Hi! I'm Geraldine

A Food-Life-Earth lover from Brussels, Belgium.

I wanted to become an astronaut...
I studied and worked in Astronomy and Human Space Flight for over 15 years!

But with time, my attention shifted...
End 2019, i decided to reset and i re-evaluated my wishes by letting my genuine curiosity and never-ending interest lead the way.

This naturally led me to anything food-related while caring for our first 2 homes: our body and our beautiful planet.

I can spend hours reading about nutrition, researching recipes, experimenting in my kitchen to create healthy and delicious dishes and then styling it all to take mouthwatering pictures without even realising where the time went and being excited to do it all over again the next day!
All while being as sustainable as possible with a zero-waste kitchen mindset and caring the best i can for our planet.

~ du Beau, du Bon, du Vrai ~

Food Photography

In this portfolio, you will find the result of my love for food styling and food photography through personal projects and client work.

I love meeting passionate people and listen to their story. It thrills me even more if i can help them tell their story by capture that burning passion and bring out their true essence through enticing visuals.

Are you looking for someone to capture your culinary work & business with love? A food stylist and/or photographer? Did you like the images shared in this portfolio? Then surely hit that contact page button and get in touch with me! I will love to hear from you and discuss your project together in order to see how i can best serve you.

Recipe Development

I am passionate about healthy nutrition and experimenting in my kitchen with local seasonal produce and different cooking styles in order to create beautiful, delicious and real dishes that serve our bodies the best.

 You can find my culinary adventures on my instagram account @eatprettybehappy.

Are you looking for someone to create delicious and healthy recipes with your products? Style the recipes and take beautiful pictures of the end result? Design a themed menu for one of your events or retreats? Then look no further as i will be more than thrilled to help you create an array of mouthwatering recipes and pictures with your products. Just go to the contact page to send me a message and we'll take it from there.

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